<script>on mouseUpfullhelpend mouseUpon mouseenterhelper "Click here for more help for HTML Grinder."end mouseenter</script>
<script>on nonhtmlconverter thisfileget thisfileboopend nonhtmlconverteron boopend boopon openstackglobal fileswithlinksgetprefsif fileswithlinks is emptythen put empty into cd btn "show"pass openstackend openstackon closestackdeselect 3pass closestackend closestackon setshowmenuglobal trackhref,trackimg,onlybad,startignore1,endignore1,startignore2,endignore2put empty into themenuif onlybad is not truethen put "All Links" &return after themenuput "Bad Links" &return after themenuif onlybad is not true and trackhref is truethen put "OutLinks" &return after themenuif onlybad is not truethen put "InLinks" &return after themenuif onlybad is not true and trackHref is truethen put "Dead Ends" &return after themenuput themenu into cd btn showend setshowmenuon processglobal allfiles,linkos,imagos,allthelinksglobal fileswithLinks,fileswithBadLinks,fileswithinlinksglobal fileswithoutlinks,shortfileswithoutlinksglobal deadendfiles,shortdeadendfilesglobal shortfilesWithLinks,shortfilesWithBadLinks,shortfileswithinlinksglobal trackhref,trackimg,onlybad,startignore1,endignore1,startignore2,endignore2--deselect 3put empty into cd btn "show"put empty into linkosput empty into imagosput empty into fileswithLinksput empty into fileswithBadlinksput empty into shortfilesWithLinksput empty into shortfilesWithBadLinksput empty into fileswithoutlinksput empty into shortfileswithoutlinksput empty into deadendfilesput empty into shortdeadendfilesput empty into shortfilesWithinLinksif onlybad is not true thenput allfiles into fileswithinlinksrepeat with x=1 to the number of lines in fileswithinlinksset cursor to busyput "0," before line x of fileswithinlinksend repeatelse put empty into fileswithinlinkspass processend processon getprefsglobal trackhref,trackimg,onlybad,startignore1,endignore1,startignore2,endignore2get cd fld optionsput line 1 of it into trackhrefput line 2 of it into trackimgput line 3 of it into onlybadput line 4 of it into startignore1put line 5 of it into endignore1put line 6 of it into startignore2put line 7 of it into endignore2end getprefson converter thefile,thecontentsglobal linkos,imagos,alltheLinksglobal fileswithLinks,fileswithBadLinks,fileswithinlinksglobal fileswithoutlinks,shortfileswithoutlinksglobal deadendfiles,shortdeadendfilesglobal shortfilesWithLinks,shortfilesWithBadLinks,shortfileswithinlinksglobal trackhref,trackimg,onlybad,startignore1,endignore1,startignore2,endignore2---- if thecontents is "窶「*(NonHTML File)*窶「" then exit converterput blockout(thecontents,startignore1,endignore1) into thecontentsput blockout(thecontents,startignore2,endignore2) into thecontents--if onlybad is truethen put "bad" into themodeelse put "all" into themode--if trackhref is truethen put linklist(thefile,thecontents,themode) into theselinkselse put empty into theselinksif trackimg is truethen put inlinedimages(thefile,thecontents,themode) into theseimageselse put empty into theseimages--put theselinks & theseimages into allLinksif allLinks is not empty and onlybad is not true thenput thefile &return after filesWithLinksput cutfront(thefile) & return after shortfileswithLinksend ifif theselinks is empty and trackhref is true and onlybad is not true thenput thefile &return after deadendfilesput cutfront(thefile) & return after shortdeadendfilesend ifif "ERROR: " is in allLinks thenput thefile & return after fileswithBadLinksput cutfront(thefile) & return after shortfileswithBadLinksend ifif "OUTLINK: " is in allLinks thenput thefile & return after fileswithoutlinksput cutfront(thefile) & return after shortfileswithoutlinksend if--if onlybad is not true thenrepeat with x=1 to the number of lines in allLinksset cursor to busyget line x of alllinksif item 2 of it is not "OK" then next repeatput item 4 of it into targfileif targfile is empty or "ERROR: " is in targfilethen next repeatget lineoffset(targfile,fileswithinlinks)if it is not empty thenadd 1 to item 1 of line it of fileswithinlinksend ifend repeatend if--put theselinks after linkosput theseimages after imagosend converteron alldoneglobal linkos,imagos,alltheLinksglobal fileswithLinks,fileswithBadLinks,fileswithinlinksglobal fileswithoutlinks,shortfileswithoutlinksglobal deadendfiles,shortdeadendfilesglobal shortfilesWithLinks,shortfilesWithBadLinks,shortfileswithinlinksset cursor to watchput linkos & imagos into alltheLinkssort lines of allthelinks descending numeric by item 7 of eachsort lines of allthelinks by item 3 of each--put empty into shortfileswithinlinkssort lines of fileswithinlinks descending numeric by item 1 of eachrepeat with x=1 to the number of lines in fileswithinlinksset cursor to busyput item 1 of line x of fileswithinlinks into thenumput item 2 of line x of fileswithinlinks into thefileput thenum & " " & cutfront(thefile,29) into line x of shortfileswithinlinksend repeatsetshowmenuchooseview "Bad Links"put the number of lines in fileswithbadlinks into numbaddiesget numbaddies && "files have bad image or href links."if numbaddies is 0 then get "Congratulations!" && itsend "alldone it" to homie()end alldonefunction blockout thecontents,starttag,endtagif startTag is empty or endTag is emptythen return thecontentsput smartfind(startTag,thecontents) into thechunkif thechunk is "not found" then return thecontentsput smartfind(endtag,thecontents,word 4 of thechunk) into otherchunkif otherchunk is "not found" then return thecontentsput word 4 of otherchunk into word 4 of thechunkput " of thecontents" after thechunkput the value of thechunk into thetextput length(thetext) into howlongput makejunkvar(howlong) into blottoget "put blotto into" && thechunkdo itreturn thecontentsend blockoutfunction makejunkvar howlongif howlong is empty then put 30000 into howlongput "-" into junkvar-- put 0 into iterationsrepeat until length(junkvar) >= howlong-- add 1 to iterationsset cursor to busyput junkvar & junkvar after junkvarend repeatreturn char 1 to howlong of junkvarend makejunkvarfunction extractrecords thedata,thecolumn,thematch,secondcolumn,secondmatchglobal longlinklist,viewvarset cursor to watchput empty into longlinklistput empty into shortoutputput empty into theoutput-- if line 2 of viewvar is "fileswithinlinks"-- then sort lines of thedata descending by item thecolumn of each --by filename-- else sort lines of thedata descending numeric by item 7 of each --by chunk position in fileput fullfind(thedata,thematch,true,true) into allfindsput empty into theoutputrepeat with x=1 to the number of lines in allfindsset cursor to busyget line x of allfindsif item 4 of it = thecolumnthenput line (item 2 of it) of thedata into thelineif secondcolumn is not empty and secondmatch is not empty thenif secondmatch is not in item secondcolumn of theline then next repeatend ifput theline &return after theoutputput shortlinkform(theline) &return after shortoutputend ifend repeatput theoutput into longlinklistreturn shortoutputend extractrecords-------------function shortlinkform theinputglobal viewvarif line 2 of viewvar is "fileswithinlinks"then put 3 into filecolelse put 4 into filecol--put item 1 of theinput into thekind-- if thekind is "img" then put " " after thekind-- put " " after thekind--put item 2 of theinput into thestatusif thestatus is "Error: file not found" thenif thekind is "img"then put "ナ" into thestatuselse put "邃「" into thestatuselse if "Error: " is in thestatus thenif thekind is "img"then put "竏" into thestatuselse put "窶" into thestatuselseif thekind is "img"then put "笳" into thestatuselse put "テ" into thestatusend ifput " " after thestatus--if item filecol of theinput is not empty andツャ"error: " is not in item filecol of theinputthen put cutfront(item filecol of theinput) into thefileelse put item 5 of theinput into thefile--return thestatus & thefileend shortlinkformfunction cutfront thetext,thelimitif thelimit is empty then put "32" into thelimitput length(thetext) into thelengthif thelength <= thelimit then return thetextdelete char 1 to (thelength - thelimit +1) of thetextput "窶ヲ" before thetextreturn thetextend cutfronton chooseview whichglobal viewvarset cursor to watchget lineoffset(which,the value of cd btn "show")if it >0 then select line it of cd btn "show"put the selectedtext of cd fld thefiles into oldfileput the selectedtext of cd btn "show" into butterif butter is "All Links"then put "shortfileswithlinks" &return& "fileswithLinks" into viewvarelse if butter is "Bad Links"then put "shortfileswithbadlinks" &return& "fileswithbadLinks" into viewvarelse if butter is "InLinks"then put "shortfileswithinlinks" &return& "fileswithinLinks" into viewvarelse if butter is "OutLinks"then put "shortfileswithoutlinks" &return& "fileswithoutLinks" into viewvarelse if butter is "Dead Ends"then put "shortdeadendfiles" &return& "deadendfiles" into viewvar--lock screenselect line 0 of cd fld thelinksselect line 0 of cd fld thefilesput empty into cd fld thelinksput empty into cd fld numlinksput getglobal(line 1 of viewvar) into thelistput thelist into cd fld thefilesput the number of lines in thelist into nummyif nummy =1 then put "file" into thelabelelse put "files" into thelabelput nummy && thelabel into cd fld numfilesif thelist contains oldfile thenget lineoffset(oldfile,thelist)select line it of cd fld thefilessend mouseup to cd fld thefilesend ifunlock screenend chooseviewfunction getglobal globalnameget "global" && globalnamedo itreturn the value of globalnameend getglobalon deselect howfarglobal longlinklistget the selectedline of cd btn "show"if howfar is empty thenif the selectedline of cd fld thelinks is not emptythen put 1 into howfarelse if the selectedline of cd fld thefiles is not emptythen put 2 into howfarelse if it is not emptythen put 3 into howfarelse exit deselectend ifset cursor to watchlock screenif howfar >= 1then select line 0 of cd fld thelinksif howfar >= 2 thenselect line 0 of cd fld thefilesput empty into cd fld thelinksput empty into longlinklistput empty into cd fld numlinksend ifif howfar >= 3 thenget the selectedline of cd btn showif it is not emptythen select line 0 of cd btn showput empty into cd fld thefilesput empty into cd fld numfilesend ifunlock screenend deselecton mouseupdeselectpass mouseupend mouseupon resetwheeldeselect 3put cd fld defaultoptions into cd fld optionspass resetwheelend resetwheel</script>